Are you worried about a child or vulnerable adult?
Please record any concerns for the well-being of a child or adult, or about the behaviour of someone towards a child or adult. The form should be completed in full at the time or immediately following your observation or disclosure of the matter to you. The form will be received by the Safeguarding Lead & Incumbent who will review and decide on the next steps.
If you believe somebody is at immediate risk of harm or that a crime has been committed please follow these urgent steps before completing this form.
Our Safeguarding Team
Annie Nixon
Revd. Matt Bray
Diocesan Advisors (DSA)
Our Safeguarding Team is here to look after the needs of our community. Each concern or allegation that is recorded using our online form is then assessed by our trained team before being reported to the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisors (DSA) within 24hrs. The DSA then determine the best outcome and we work with them to put any action plans in place to help support those affected.
Should you wish to speak to someone directly you can call our Safeguarding team on 01803 921 100, or speak to a member of the DSA:
Costa Nassaris: 01392 294969 / 07809 339501
Rebecca Lane: 01392 294975 / 07543 154774
James May: 01392 345910 / 07889 542646
Bay Church has adopted the House of Bishops’ Promoting a Safer Church: Safeguarding Policy Statement
Immediate Risk of Harm?
If you believe somebody is at immediate risk of harm or that a crime has been committed, dial 999
If you have serious concerns about an individual’s well-being, you should contact the relevant agencies before then recording it with our Safeguarding Team.
Concerns about children
Torbay Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH): 01803 208100
Concerns about adults
Torbay Safeguarding Adults Team: 01803 219700
Domestic Abuse
Torbay Domestic Abuse Service: 0800 916 1474
Rape Crisis
Devon & Torbay: 01392 204174
National: 0808 802 9999
Children who want to speak directly to someone about any concerns they have can call Childline: 0800 11 11