Matt continues our new series of talks leading up to Easter called World Saver. This week Matt unpacks the truth about freedom and how we can truly live in the freedom Jesus offers.
Matt kicks off our brand new series, World Saver, looking this week, at God's Plan.
Matt finishes up our series called The Difference, where we've looked at the difference Jesus makes to a variety of areas of life. This week, Matt looks at relationships, particularly marriage, singleness and social relationships and how these relationships reflect God's faithfulness, His fullness and His friendship.
Beth speaks to us this morning continuing our series called The Difference, looking at the difference Jesus makes to our identity.
Paul Friend joins us from SWYM (South West Youth Ministries) to talk to us about the difference Jesus makes to the Next Generation. He encourages us to pass the baton of faith, to become spiritual mothers and fathers and to honour the spiritual parents in our own lives.
This week Matt speaks with Mike, Corrie and Steve about the difference Jesus makes to work.
Gareth continues The Difference, our series of talks looking at the impact having faith in Jesus can have on different areas of life. This week, Gareth looks at calling, unpacking the ideas that calling is communal, complex and costly.
Faith kicks off our new series of talks called The Difference. Faith is looking this week at the difference Jesus can make to our homes, exploring God's purpose for our homes and how we can shift our perspective to more align with His purpose.
This Vision Sunday, Matt, Gareth and Beth talk us through the Bay Church vision, unpacking what it looks like for us to see Jesus loved, the Church alive and society transformed in Torbay and beyond.
Matt kicks off 2025 at Bay Church with an encouragement to make sure we prioritise Jesus this year.
Matt continues this mini advent series on How to Prepare with Purpose. Matt recaps that it's important to know where to start and to know your approach and then focuses in on finding the tools that will help you find your joy this advent season.
Matt starts the season of Advent talking about how to prepare with purpose. In this two-part talk Matt first looks at the importance of knowing where to start and knowing our approach.
Sioned Robinson - our Youth Pastor - opens up Luke 10:38-42 and speaks about how we can defiantly devote ourselves to Jesus, through defiant obedience, defiant rest and defiant adoration.
Janice Button speaks to us today about finding peace in disappointment. Janice encourages us to be honest with God, to seek to gain His perspective, to journey with others and to choose peace.
Beth speaks to us this morning about hope and how in Jesus, we can place our hope in the one who wears the victor's crown, even in the darkest of times.
George White visited us from St Wilfrid's in Nottingham and spoke to us about courage. George encourages us to have courage to share our faith with those around us.
Gareth finishes up our series of talks on the cross, this week, looking at culture. On the cross Jesus rejected the cultural norms of assimilation, isolation and destruction and instead chose a culture of care and love.
Matt continues our series of talks on The Cross, this week looking at how the cross brings forgiveness of sins and complete freedom from shame.
TRIGGER WARNING - Matt talks about self-harm in this video which some may find upsetting.
Mollie continues our series of talks on The Cross, looking at how The Cross was the ultimate act of friendship.
Matt kicks off our new series of talks on The Cross. This week, matt looks specifically at the victory of the cross, using the story of David and Goliath to remind us that we need Jesus' victory and are able to share in it with Him.
Nathan continues our Summer Shake Up series looking at how we can enter a new season with faith. Nathan encourages us to maintain relationship with God, to not give up and to never stop entertaining strangers.
Gareth talks to us this Alpha Sunday about how we can look to Jesus' example of inviting all the people, all the time and all for love.
It's Giving Sunday! Matt unpacks some reasons why we should give, and the impact our giving can have.
Gareth speaks to us this week on the Greatest Shake Up of All - The Resurrection.
Simon continues our Summer Shake up series looking at how small habits and small actions can be crucial when life feels like it's slipping out of control.
Matt continues our Summer Shake Up series looking this week at the greatest invitation of all time that we've all received from God. We don't have to earn it and we don't have to be qualified, we're all invited!
Gareth continues our Summer Shake Up series looking this week, at how we can faithfully navigate change and how we're not called to build monuments to moments, but to follow God's movements.
Jo kicks off our Summer Shake Up series of talks, looking at what it means when waiting in the dark is actually waiting in God's shadow.
Beth finishes up our series "Master Builders", where we look to have strong foundations for our lives by following the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. This week Beth looks at how we can play our part in discipling the next generation.
Matt continues in our series "Master Builders", where we look to have strong foundations for our lives by following the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. This week Matt looks at the importance of the secret place in our relationship with God.
Matt continues our series, "Master Builders", where we look to have strong foundations for our lives by following the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. This week Matt looks at how worship restores and recalibrates our lives.
Faith continues our series called "Master Builders", where we look to have strong foundations for our lives by following the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. This week Faith looks at how we can strive to live a life based on trust and not worry.
Matt continues our series called "Master Builders", where we look to have strong foundations for our lives by following the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. This week Matt looks at the pattern of the Lord's Prayer.
Matt kicks off a brand new series called "Master Builders: Built to Last". This week Matt looks at the importance of building our lives on strong foundations.
A little look back at the last year (and beyond) of Bay Church!
Gareth continues our series, "In Good Company" looking at the woman caught in adultery and how Jesus frees her and us from the shame of our mistakes.
Pete continues our series, In God Company, talking to us about Jonah and how we're in good company if we feel like we don't 'get' God.
Faith continues our series, "In Good Company", this week looking at David's words in Psalm 22. Faith talks her way through the Psalm reminding us that we're in good company if we feel forsaken and encourages us with the hope that is found in Jesus who quotes this very Psalm on the cross.
Matt continues our series, "In Good Comapny", this week looking at the story of Joseph and his response when things didn't go to plan. Matt encourages us to seek God's presence for our purpose and reminds us that God works all things together for our good.
Matt kicks off a new series of talks, "In Good Company", looking at how we can resonate with characters in the bible in the issues we might be facing. This week Matt uses the story of Gideon to encourage us that we're in good company when we feel that we're not good enough.
Mollie encourages us to invest in each other and the next generation of storytellers by journeying together and parenting hope to one another.
Matt reminds us of the vision of Bay Church, and how we're investing in that vision to see Jesus loved, the Church alive and socity transformed in torbay and beyond!
If you'd like to find out more about Alpha - www.bay.church/alpha
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If you'd like to give to the life of Bay Church - bay.church/give
Matt kicks off the new year looking at Genesis 3:1-13 and outlines for us the enemies plans and how we can counter those in the battle that Jesus has already won.
The King is coming...are you ready? How do we get ready for Jesus in this season with the pressure of prearing for Christmas? Jesus wants our hearts and he wants to bring us the freedom from the pursuit of perfection and freedom from the pressure to pretend.
Pete talks to us this morning about how each and every human heart has an ache that we cannot diagnose or find a solution for on our own. Jesus is the answer to that ache, he is the resurrection and the life and can be trusted with all the things that are out of our control.
Rachel Norris speaks to us about presence. Rach unpacks Isaiah 43:1-3 looking at how God will be with us through the waters and through the fire.
This remembrance Sunday, Gareth talks to us about friendship and how Jesus sets the pattern for our friendships by showing up and loving us first.
Faith talks to us about identity and how important it is to know who we are in Jesus so that we can live in the story He has for us.
Pete finishes up our series on GROW. Grow is a framework for discipleship, to help us live in the story of God and to develop as disciples of Jesus. Pete shares with us what it means to live in the story of God as defiant disciples.
Mark Nelson, Associate Pastor at Saint Church in East London shares with us the next part of our GROW series. Grow is a framework for discipleship, to help us live in the story of God and to develop as disciples of Jesus. Mark talks to us about the example Peter sets us to hunger for Holiness and how having a healthy relationship with failure and avoiding comparison is key to this.
Grow is a framework for discipleship, to help us live in the story of God and to develop as disciples of Jesus. Matt uses the analogy of soil as "the story we're living in" and the importance of that story being the one that Jesus tells.
Introducing Grow! Grow is a framework for discipleship, to help us live in the story of God and to develop as disciples of Jesus. Matt unpacks the analogy of the trellis and it's role as we try and grow towards Jesus.
Matt gives us an insight into the pursuit of happiness and how exhausting this is when we try and create happiiness for ourselves. He shares some practical help on 'the practice of the presence of God', living simply and without hurry.
Anna shares with us her experience of the power of knowing who God is and who we are in Him. She gives us practical help on how to seek and respond to those truths.
Matt, our Vicar reminds us of the Bay Church vision, that we must be motivated by love, fuelled by prayer and filled with hope.
It's Retro Sunday! This week Gareth talks to us from Revelation about how God will make all things new and encourages us to look at the present through the lens of eternity.
Beth shares her thoughts with us today about rest as surrender, looking specifically at Matthew 11:28-30.
Pete talks to us about Resilient Hope. How in the inevitable storms of life, how Jesus is the only source of hope.
It's Wimbledon Sunday and our Vicar Matt talks about God's love and how it saves, satisfies and restores. Unlike in Tennis, God's love wins!
What a joy to baptise six amazing people who made the decision to go all in with Jesus!
Abby looks at calling and purpose this week, sharing with us from her own life and experience how she's chosen to prioritise obedience over comfort.
Faith talks to us about worship, looking at the purpose and importance of both daily devotion and weekly worship.
Matt finished up our miniseries titled, "Breakthrough is Possible" looking at devotion. Matt encourages us to follow the early church's lead by devoting ourselves to God's word, fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayer.
Our Vicar, Matt continues a miniseries titles, "Breakthrough is Possible", this week focussing on the need to be hungry for God. Our mhunger for God should be outworked in showing up, reaching out and finally, finding freedom.
Our Vicar, Matt shares with us today about breakthrough. Matt uses the story of Zacchaeus to illustrate that breakthrough is possible with repentance and surrender.
Lego Mollie & Lego Matt are back! This time mollie is telling Matt all about the very first Pentecost!
Pete Norris shares with us from Mark 8:34-37, looking at what it means to trade in the Kingdom of this world for the Kingdom of Jesus.
Toby walks us through Psalm 23, looking at the themes of Presence, Protection and Provision.
Beth Charman looks at 2 Timothy 1:3-7 and shares with us something God has been talking to her about recently - God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and sound mind.
This week, we have Sarah Jeffery visiting. Sarah speaks to us about bringing our requests to God with shameless audacity. Sarah encourages us to keep pressing in to God even when there are delays and disappointments.
Gareth harper concludes our series, "When You Pray", looking at the last line of the Lord's Prayer, deliver us from evil. Gareth highlights two traps we can fall into when we think about evil and talks us through how the Lords Prayer gives us the solution.
Our Vicar Matt, continues our series looking at the Lord's prayer. Looking at "Forgive Us our Sins", Matt shares with us the importance of recognising our need for both forgiveness and to forgive others.
Rachael continues our "When You Pray" series. Working our way through the Lord's prayer, Rach focuses on verse 11 - bringing our wants and needs before God in an uncensored, child-like way.
Anna continues our series titled, "When You Pray" looking at "Your Will Be Done". Anna shares the impact that praying that prayer has had in her own life and reminds us, that God's plans for us our good, however scary it feels to let Him take full control!
Our Vicar Matt, kicks off a new series working through the Lord's Prayer. This week he looks at Our Father, sharing with us the importance of praying personally and intimately and acknowledging the fact that calling God OUR Father draws us in to a bigger story than just our own.
Our Vicar Matt shares with us the story of the prodigal son, focussing on the Father and how he runs towards us, arms open wide with compassion and love.
Our Vicar Matt Bray, interviews our Bishop James Grier, on things ranging from just what a Bishop is, to how Bay Church came into being, our part in the wider Church and culture, and what Bishop James' heart is for Torbay and Devon.
Gareth, one of our Curates looks at Luke 5 as we question what is the Church? Gareth looks at how we all need Jesus, and the church needs all of us, wherever we're at to be leaning into God, growing into the people he's called us to be.
It's Vision Sunday! Matt shares with us the vision of Bay Church - to see Jesus Loved, the Church Alive and Society Transformed in Torbay and beyond.
Last week's talk, First Things First: Mind was so good, our vicar, Matt, decided to go a little bit deeper and look at the mind...part 2! Matt talks about the importance of setting good habits to shape our lives and reminds us again of Paul's encouragement to think on the things of God.
Matt continues our series titled, "First Things First", looking at how we can love Jesus with all our mind. Matt practically looks at way we can take every thought captive, recognising and replacing the lies we have believed about ourselves.
Join Lego Mollie & Lego Matt as they journey home for Christmas...and get distracted by a Christmassy adventure along the way!
Rachel Norris finishes up our series, "This I Know", sharing her knowledge of God as a Source of Strength. Rachel reflects on Psalm 46 and speaks on God being an ever present help and an almighty God who holds it all.
Gareth Harper, our Curate continues our series titled "New", looking at God's precious gift of New Life and what Paul outlines our response should be to this gift in Ephesians 2 & 5.
We were so excited to have Abby Miles speaking to us from Psalm 139. Abby encouraged us, in a culture searching for drama, to be bringers of the truth: the truth of God's inescapable love, inescapable presence, and the inescapable identity he gives each and every one of us.
Unfortunately, a technical error means that the audio on this talk is not quite up to our normal standards, for which we apologise.
Simon Cox shares with us this week his thoughts on Psalm 3, continuing our series, Summer Psalms.
Starting a new series entitled ‘4 Gardens’, Gareth considers just what we're talking about when we talk about 'sin', and how we can turn away from sin and toward Jesus, in order to live lives of hope.
Matt Bray wraps up our series on the Presence of God, by considering what it means for us to be a people of His presence.
Our curate, Gareth Harper, continues our series of talks on the presence of God, and considers the ways in which Jesus has radically reshaped the temple mindset around himself, so that we can draw near to the presence of God.
Beth Charman continues our series of talks on the presence of God, and considers the lives of Bezalel, Esther and other characters in the Bible who remind us that God's presence gives power to our purpose.
Our Vicar, Matt Bray, kicks off our 'Presence' talk series, the first ever series of talks at Bay Church! We're considering the presence of God throughout history, and what it looks like for us to be people who live in His presence.